

Product name:Diethyl aminomalonate hydrochloride

Last text:2,5-Dimethoxytetrahydrofuran, mixture of cis- and trans isomers Next text: Zinc acetate

Add: Luohe City Chemical Park, Luohe, Henan, China. P.C.: 462000
Contact: Zhang Jianwei +86-13903953077
Tel: +86-395-7133188 Fax: +86-395-7135789
Website: m.thefaceshopol.com    E-mail: sales@meidikangchem.com
Luohe Meidikang Biological Technology Co.,Ltd. Copyright(C)2017    All Rights Reserved.  Supported    ChemNet  ChinaChemNet  Toocle  Copyright Notice

Product keywords :Dimethyl acetamidoma、Diethyl acetamidomalTropinone、Zinc acetate、Acetaminoacetic acid...、N-Acetylglycine、

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